Brave one
Where are you
I call into
the wind.
Where is my knight
My sweetness in the night.
The world
has again
turned cold,
the air frozen.
The night
again steals
my sleep
and I lay
awake fearing
the shadows
as they hover
over my bed.
I stare at them
in complete silence
fear no longer
seizing me,
only anger to rise.
I turn from them
but I still feel them
their presence
consuming me
as they grasp
for a life
they can not have,
waiting to suck
away my soul.
Brave one
where are you
I call into
the wind,
Where is my man
My knight
My sweetness
in the night,
where is he
to help me fight.
The memories
are still there
as I reach
for you in the night
starring at the
shadows still
looming over me,
and I wonder
if I have the strength.
Brave one
Where are you
I call into
the wind,
Where is my man
My Knight
My shinning light.
I close
my eyes
needing the dark
to mask my defeat.
The night closes
in around me
and I see him
standing under the tree
whispering prayers
from his lips,
prayers of strength
of guidance.
I see the tears
glisten on his cheeks
reminding me
that I can not
accept defeat
and with him
I whisper prayers
for the shadows
to disperse
for strength
for guidance
for my knight
my man
my sweetness
in the night.